World Day for Health and Safety at Work

World Day for Health and Safety at Work

In 2003, the International Labor Organization (ILO), began to observe World Day for Safety and Health at Work in order to stress on the prevention of accidents and diseases at work.

QAFCO has implemented several key measures to ensure employee and workplace safety, thereby being certified for Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Service (OHSAS) 18001:2007 Standard and Responsible Care. Some of the admirable initiatives implemented include Behavior-Based Safety programs, Contractor Safety Awards and Safety and Environment Forums.

World Environment Day 2022

World Environment Day 2022
In observance of World Environment Day, an online contest was held for QAFCO’s Instagram followers, where they were invited to say “Only One Earth” in their native languages. Three winners were selected through a lucky draw. The theme for World Environment Day 2022 is #OnlyOneEarth. It calls for collective, transformative action on a global scale to celebrate, protect and restore our planet.

GPCA Supply Chain Conference

GPCA Supply Chain Conference
QAFCO participated at the 14th GPCA Supply Chain Conference, which brings together supply chain leaders who have tackled the biggest challenges, brought in new growth opportunities, and are shifting the dial through sustainable practices and weathering the uncertainties of tomorrow. The theme of the conference this year was “Future Proofing Supply Chains".

Earth Day 2022

Earth Day 2022
As part of the Earth Day celebrations, an Art competition was released to public via QAFCO’s social media accounts to promote environmental awareness with the theme, “Invest in our Planet”. The winners were announced on all social media platforms on April 22, 2022.

IFA Global Sustainability Conference 2022

IFA Global Sustainability Conference 2022

شاركت قافكو في مؤتمر IFA العالمي للاستدامة 2022 ، والذي يجمع خبراء متخصصين بارزين من داخل وخارج صناعة الأسمدة لتغطية مبادرات الاستدامة المبتكرة ، وإعداد تقارير الاستدامة ، وتمويل انتقال الطاقة ، والإشراف على المنتجات والمغذيات.

كان موضوع المؤتمر هذا العام هو "تسريع التحول المستدام لصناعة الأسمدة".

IFA Global Sustainability Conference 2022

IFA Global Sustainability Conference 2022
QAFCO participated at the IFA Global Sustainability Conference 2022, which brings together leading subject matters experts from in and outside the fertilizer industry to cover innovative sustainability initiatives, sustainability reporting, energy transition finance and product and nutrient stewardship. The theme of the conference this year was “Accelerating the Sustainability Transition of the Fertilizer Industry”.
